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*NEW* THC Research Session: Understanding and building resilience in family members providing support to relatives with traumatic injury
Posted on Tuesday 6th June 2017
Family resilience is a focus of research and clinical attention in the field of traumatic injury (brain injury, spinal cord injury). Some have suggested that this presents a paradigm shift in the way researchers understand how a family responds to traumatic injury. In this presentation, the broader context for resilience will be outlined, highlighting (i) the clinical context; (ii) the policy and service delivery implications; (iii) and at a theoretical level, its position as part of the growing positive psychology and strengths-based movements. Approaches to defining resilience will then be outlined, followed by the role of resilience in family adjustment to traumatic injury. An intervention program aimed at building resilience will then be described, and finally future directions for resilience research will be discussed.
Read MoreBold Ideas Better Solutions Symposium 2017
Posted on Tuesday 14th February 2017
Bold Ideas Better Solutions is the annual conference hosted by The Hopkins Centre. It will showcase the important collaborative research led by our academic, clinical and practitioner researchers.
Read MoreThe Hopkins Centre Launch
Posted on Tuesday 14th February 2017
The Hopkins Centre: Research for Rehabilitation and Resilience is a joint initiative of Griffith University and the Division of Rehabilitation, Metro South Hospital and Health Service in partnership with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission, Synapse, Spinal Life Australia and Health Consumers Queensland. After celebrating 20 years of research in partnership in 2016, we are pleased to now officially launch our new collaborative research centre. When: Thursday 23rd February 2017 Where: Webb Centre S02, Level 7 Function Area 7.16/7.07, Griffith University, South Bank Campus
Read MoreBuilding your research profile
Posted on Monday 9th September 2013
Dr Tony Shiels will be visiting us to discuss his role in helping us to build and develop our research profile. He will discuss the impact of ERA 2012 on our performance data and how we can benefit from using ERA to develop our career. Tony is part of the Research Policy and Performance team and they provide the following support services to University clients: Research Plan 2011-2013 Research strategies and policies Research performance data Higher Education Research Data Collection Excellence in Research for Australia Research publications and outputs Research centre reviews Tony will also discuss the Government's Higher Education Research Data Collection. It is compiled annually on the research income and research publications of all the Higher Education Providers in Australia. This information is then used by the Government to distribute block grant funding, such as the RTS and JRE, between Australian HEPs in subsequent years. The HERDC publications are now also being used as part of the Excellence in Research for Australia submission and also drives internal reporting around performance indicators, promotions applications and research activity. This seminar will tie in nicely with previous events and create a whole picture approach. When Thu 24 Oct 2013 10:30am – 11:30am Eastern Time - Brisbane Where L05 Boardroom 1.35 (map)
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