Have your say forum results about job access
Job Access forum results
‘Have Your Say Forum’ Wrap-up by Kelsey Chapman, The Dignity Project Research Lead
Thank you all for your participation in our latest Job Access forum and three-part blog series. Sharing your experiences and stories was impactful for all of our members and I appreciate all of the great conversation and engagement that has taken place in the comment section.
From the respondents to the Job Access forum, 57% are part-time employees with disability. 100% of respondents felt that their disability and impairment impacted on their employment in some way, ranging from work modification, adaptive and accessible equipment, limited travel options, environmental and concentration issues, and some positive benefits in gaining employment as a result of disability.
Four (4) respondents completed an application with Job Access, while 2 had not and 2 had never heard of Job Access. 75% of those who tried to complete an application, said their employer did not assist in the application process and were subsequently unsuccessful. No one found the Job Access application process accessible.
As a result of your feedback and experiences, we can see there is a need to develop some recommendations and solutions, not only to Job Access but to employers, recruiters, and other employees seeking similar supports. We would love to hear from you about any recommendations or solutions you can think of to make this process better. If you might be interested in coming together to write a commentary or white paper that could be published in a journal, please get in touch with k.chapman@griffith.edu.au
View the insights below or download the PDF version here.
Tags: Job Access, Dignity, The Dignity Project, Employment
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