Call for Abstracts BIBS 2024

Call for Abstracts

Bold Ideas Better Solutions 2024 


This is an invitation to clinicians, researchers, industry partners, and people with disability, to submit an abstract to be considered for The Hopkins Centre Bold ideas Better solutions 2024 Symposium.

The Hopkins Centre's 8th annual BIBS24 Symposium will be held on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 at the Translational Research Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital Precinct, Brisbane.

The focus this year is on translating bold ideas into better solutions for the wellbeing of people with complex rehabilitation needs, their families, and advocates. Featuring the latest interdisciplinary research focused on solving complex rehabilitation challenges, partnerships to enhance meaningful research, as well as addressing innovation, emerging health interventions, rehabilitation practices that promote dignity and respect, and unmet needs in the disability and rehabilitation sector.

The symposium will present a stimulating and interdisciplinary program from across The Hopkins Centre’s programs of research, with a combination of oral presentations, lightning talks, poster displays, invited speakers, and panel session.

We welcome abstracts and research ideas from health practitioners, clinicians, people with lived experience, researchers, and industry experts for consideration and inclusion in the interdisciplinary program. This research session will bring together an array of collaborative research through the following subthemes:


Some topic examples or keywords within the disability and rehabilitation sector:

  • Interventions and supports required to maximise recovery and positive outcomes
  • Personalised rehabilitation pathways to improve individual functioning & quality of life
  • Individual wellbeing
  • Rehabilitation services and transitions
  • Equitable access to services and support
  • Sustainable employment, supports and participation
  • Psychological distress and mental health complications
  • Persistent Pain and management musculoskeletal conditions
  • Assistive technology and supports
  • Enabling positive environments
  • Inclusive spaces and design modification
  • Supportive systems for technology uptake in rehabilitation




Key dates:

30/7/24 - Abstract submission open
05/08/24 - BIBS24 registration open
26/8/24 – Abstract submission deadline at 4pm
11/9/24 – Authors notified
09/10/24 – Posters and presentations due to organising committee
23/10/24 - Bold ideas Better solutions 2024 Symposium

Abstract Guidelines and Criteria:

Academics, clinicians, industry partners and people with lived rehabilitation experience, are invited to submit an abstract for the Bold ideas better solutions 2024 program. Successful abstracts will be included in a spotlight session  

Presentation Types

The day-long stimulating program will comprise of oral presentations, lightning talks, poster displays, invited speakers, and panel session.


1. Oral

All abstracts submitted will be considered for an oral presentation. Oral presentations will range from 3–10-minute presentation opportunities (including, lightning talk options) and will be advised upon abstract success.

2. Poster
Abstracts not selected for an oral presentation may be eligible to be displayed on a poster board or as an ePoster.


Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts are to be no longer than 200 words with no bullet points. A plain language 100-word synopsis must also be submitted. Please contact with any queries.


Abstract Judging Criteria

All abstract submissions will be reviewed by Hopkins research leaders and program subcommittee, with abstracts will be judged on the basis of excellence in three criteria:

Abstract Quality
The abstract should succinctly portray the background, rationale, methodological approach, key findings and significance of the research with regard to enhancing the rehabilitation experience. The abstract needs to appeal to an audience including clinical and scientific researchers who may not be familiar with the field of research.

Scientific Quality
The research presented should be of a high quality conducted with the most appropriate and advanced techniques. The analysis of the data should be thoroughly and rigorously conducted.

Benefit and Impact
The benefit for people with lifelong and complex needs and the applied impact on practice, service delivery of system design should be clearly portrayed. The key findings of the study should be supported by the evidence presented and the outcomes interpreted in the context of the state of current knowledge.

Judging of abstracts will take into account outstanding qualities in each criterion. Equal weighting of these qualities will apply.

Research that clearly highlights benefits from the perspective of consumers experience of rehabilitation and collaborative partnerships that enhance meaningful research, will be considered favorably.