Vanette McLennan

Dr Vanette McLennan is a Senior Lecturer in Case Management and Rehabilitation Counselling, with a strong commitment to student experience and employability, as well as dedicated supervision of student research at both Masters and PhD level. Vanette is an academic adviser to the Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australasia (RCAA), and holds a strong commitment to the recognition and advancement of the Rehabilitation Counselling profession. Prior to completing a PhD in Indigenous resilience and wellbeing, she practiced as a Rehabilitation Counsellor in the private occupational rehabilitation industry under various government and insurance schemes. Her research interests include rehabilitation professional competencies; person-centred case management and vocational rehabilitation; early intervention vocational rehabilitation; and culturally safe rehabilitation for Indigenous peoples with disability.
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Early Vocational Rehabilitation After Serious Injury or Illness: A Systematic Review
Published 3rd October 2020