Brooke Wadsworth

Brooke has worked as a Physiotherapist with people suffering spinal cord injuries since 2000 being employed by the Princess Alexandra Hospital since 1999. She holds a Master of Philosophy in clinical research examining the influence of abdominal binders on breathing, voice and cardiovascular outcomes. She is recognised as a resource person for conditions involving neurological dysfunction of respiration, having authored an international textbook chapter, invited reviews in peer reviewed journals, teaching at several Universities and supporting colleagues and patients across Queensland. She is now fortunate to channel her research passion into optimising acute respiratory management of spinal cord injuries by leading the first ever study into mouthpiece ventilation at the time of extubation for those with tetraplegia.
Current Projects
Singing Cords: Peer led group singing to enhance breathing, voice and wellbeing
Published 14th July 2017
Featured Publications
Acute cervical spinal cord injury and extubation failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 12th March 2019