Elizabeth Beadle

Dr Elizabeth Beadle is a registered Clinical and Neuropsychologist with a research and clinical interest in supporting individuals and their families after acquired brain injury. She is currently employed as a Neuropsychologist for the ABI Transitional Rehabilitation Service (TRS). She has previously been employed through several brain injury and mental health services across Brisbane. Lizzie is currently in her final months of completing her PhD through Griffith University. She is investigating changes in identity after a severe TBI in adulthood and is supervised by Professor Tamara Ownsworth (Griffith University), Professor Jennifer Fleming (University of Queensland), and Professor David Shum (Griffith University). Her PhD was funded by “Moving Ahead” - the Centre of Research Excellence in Brain Recovery. Lizzie is also currently the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment’s Social Media Officer, and encourages you to join her on Twitter.