Saras Henderson

Academic & Research Interests:
- Health Service delivery model for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians with chronic disease and acquired disability
- Nursing education - teaching and learning
- Advocacy/clients as consumers, self management and client empowerment
- Qualitative methodologies (Grounded theory, Phenomenology, Critical Ethnography, PAR, Focus Groups)
- Quantitative surveys (commencing)
- Teaching models for multicultural nursing students Internationalising the curriculum
Professional memberships:
- Member and Counsellor of Sigma Theta Tau Phi Delta Chapter Nursing Honour Society
- Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing Australia
Zenobia C.Y.Chan, Wai Tong Chien, Saras Henderson. (2017).Uncovering nursing students’ views of their relationship with teachers in a university context: A descriptive qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 49, 110-114.
Zenobia C.Y.Chan, Wai Tong Chien, Saras Henderson. (2017). Power dynamics in the student-teacher relationship in clinical settings. Nurse Education Today, 49, 174-179.
Henderson, S., Dalton M., Cartmel J. (2016). Graduate Certificate in Continuing Health Professional Education: A Model of Clinical Education. The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 36 (3), 211-217.
Henderson S. (2016). Useful tips for teaching international nursing students. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, 24(3), 39.
Henderson S, Cain, M., Istvandity L, Lakhani A. (2016). The role of music participation in positive health and wellbeing outcomes for migrant populations: a systematic review. Psychology of Music, Doi: 10.1177/0305735616665910
McGrath P, Henderson S, Holewa H, Henderson D, Tamargo J. (2012). International medical graduates reflections on facilitators and difficulties with undertaking the Australian Medical Council examination. Australian Health Review, 36, 296-300
Henderson S, Kendall E, See, L.(2011).The effectiveness of culturally appropriate interventions to manage or prevent chronic disease in CALD communities: a systematic literature review. Health & Social Care in the Community, doi: 0111/j.1365-2524.2010.00972.x
Henderson S, Kendall E. (2011). Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) peoples’ knowledge of accessibility and utilisation of health services: Exploring the need for improvement in health service delivery. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 17, 195-201.
Henderson S, Kendall E. (2011). ‘Community navigators’: Making a difference by promoting health in CALD communities in Logan, Queensland. Australian Journal of Primary Health, Accepted for publication August 2011.
Borrows S, Munns A, Henderson S. (2011). Community-based child health nurses: An exploration of current practice. Contemporary Nurse, Accepted for publication August 2011. Grafton, E, Gillespie B, Henderson S. (2010).Resilience: The power within you. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37(6), 698-705.
Henderson S. (2009). Community child health nurses’ experience of home visits for new mothers: A quality improvement project. Contemporary Nurse, 34(1), 66-76.
Li J, Kendall GE, Henderson S, Downie J, Landsborough L, Oddy WH. (2008). Maternal psychosocial well-being in pregnancy and breastfeeding duration. Acta Paediatrica, 97(2), 221-225.
Downie J, Henderson S, Juliff D, Munns A, Wichmann H. (2006). Community health nursing research priorities: A Delphi investigation. Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing, 9(1), 12-21.
Oddy WH, Li J, Landsborough L, Kendall GE, Henderson S, Downie J. (2006). The association of maternal overweight and obesity with breastfeeding duration. Journal of Pediatrics, 149(2), 185-191. (IF 4.122)
Watkins R, Wynaden D, Hart L, Landsborough I, McGowan S, Speed G, Henderson S, Wilson S, Calnan W. (2006). Perceptions of infection control practices among health professionals. Contemporary Nurse, 22(1):109-119.
Featured Publications
Published 19th September 2016
Cultural competence in healthcare in the community: A concept analysis
Published 7th March 2018