Evaluation of the implementation of a novel interdisciplinary role-based approach to goal setting in the slow to recover brain injury rehabilitation setting

About the Project

This research will not only be directly applicable and impact practice at Jasmine Unit, but the findings will be applicable and inform practice about rehabilitation team working and goal setting in other brain injury rehabilitation settings. Firstly, the potential for knowledge translation to other settings is due to the nature of the research design, which explores the process of implementing of a new, novel practice. The learnings from this context will inform how to implement change in goal setting practice in other settings. Secondly, as this study is part of a wider program of research into goal setting practice in brain injury rehabilitation settings across the continuum (inpatient, community-based, private and public), the collective findings and learnings have the potential to inform goal setting practice more broadly. For example, similar findings about practice from different sources (family, patients, clinicians) across multiple settings. Thirdly, researchers and clinicians partnering to conduct research which is practice-based, which in this case is the evaluation of a model in action, means that there can be direct translation of findings to enhance service improvements through feedback to staff implementing the practice.

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