SEED PROJECT: Can we enhance the home modification process and outcomes using 3D visualisations of activities of daily living (ADLs)?

About the Project

A banner with the title of the project in white bolded lettering on the left side and an image of visualising ADLs on the right side.

Project aims

This project aims to improve the outcomes of home modifications for people with disabilities, and support the professionals who design and build them. We will develop a prototype tool that provides interactive 3D visualisations of selected common daily activities that home modifications are designed to support. The tool will illustrate the complex movements and spatial interactions between [1] an individual undertaking the specific Activity of Daily Living: [2] the person physically supporting them to undertake this activity (where required): [3] the fixed/'built in' elements, and [4] the moveable elements in the home environment (mobility aids, etc). We will partner with people with different lived experiences of disability, and use motion capture technology to record them undertaking a selection of these activities, in order to replicate their movements digitally. This will assist the various stakeholders to understand spatial requirements of such activities and design the home modification intervention accordingly. It also has potential as an educational tool for clinicians, and could facilitate better communication, understanding, engagement and decision making between all stakeholders.


Home modifications involve alterations to the home environment to enable people to undertake their Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) efficiently and with dignity. Given the lack of universally designed accessible housing, home modifications are necessary for many Australians living with disability or impairment and the needs of an ageing population. Improving accessibility of existing homes can be challenging, especially where space is limited. As such, it is important to understand the complex spatial interactions between the person(s) executing these ADLs and the fixed and mobile elements of the environment. in order to effectively plan and design home modifications.


The project will utilise a range of design research tools in an iterative process involving a diverse team of researchers who represent some of the anticipated end-users. The prototype tool that is developed will be evaluated and used as a proof of concept for further development and application in practice.

Project Investigators

Coral Gillett, Rachael DiMichele, Hannah Gawne, Matt Mcshane, Dr Daniel Della-Bosca, Prof Louise Gustafsson, Elizabeth Ainsworth, Jamie Matveyeff and Dr Camila Shirota.

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