
The Disability Accommodation Landscape in Queensland

About the Project

The aim of the project is to develop a more detailed understanding of how the marketplace is functioning - in terms of diversity, quantity, and distribution (geographical) - and identify barriers and opportunities for further growth and development.

Project Outcomes

In addition to the up-to-date geographical mapping of the current market diversity, availability and distribution (geographical) in Queensland, this project will produce an in-depth report which includes identified barriers and opportunities (from both provider and consumer perspectives) to the creation of a well-distributed and responsive marketplace. Together, this research has the potential to not only capture problematic and ‘thin’ market areas but equally importantly proffer ways in which the gaps and overlaps between supply and demand can be bridged in the future. This data also has the potential to pave the way for future investigation which overlays data relating to current and projected consumer need.

Final Report

This is the final report presenting the findings of a multi-phased research project investigating the SDA market in Queensland from a range of vantage points. It was designed to provide greater clarity around the current - and where available - future SDA marketplace in Queensland. In addition to presenting some key features of the SDA provider marketplace, this report brings together relevant supply and demand information drawn directly from NDIA data sets, with in-depth qualitative data collected from SDA providers across the state, to help paint a clearer picture of the challenges and opportunities inherent in the marketplace.

 Click here to download the Project Flyer

 Click here to download the Project Summary

 Click here to download the Final Report 

Dr Grace Bitner presented the project findings at the SDA conference in Brisbane in April 2022. In this presentation, she discusses project findings, including the interrelationships between different market forces and factors influencing the Specialist Disability Accommodation Landscape in Queensland. 

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