Australian Health Review

Published 6th November 2018
Rachel J. Wenke, Anna Tynan, Annette Scott, Sharon Mickan
Australian Health Review is the journal of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), Australia’s national peak body for public health care providers. Models of Care for the Australian health review Pg 667
Effects and mechanisms of an allied health research position in a Queensland regional and rural health service: a descriptive case study.
Membership Membership of AHHA is open to any organisation whose aims or activities are connected with:
- The provision of hospital or healthcare services
- The improvement of healthcare, or
- The supply of goods and services to hospitals or healthcare services
Universities or other educational organisations that offer courses of education and/or research in relevant healthcare related feilds and individuals who are practitioners, employees within a relevant health feild or students in a relevant feild of health-related study are also welcome to join AHHA.
In addition to membership of the AHHA, organisations such as universities and institutes conducting health system research can become members of AHHA through the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research. Deeble Institute membership confers simillar benefits to AHHA membership along with the opportunity to influence and participate in the research activities of the institute.
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