End-User Perspectives of the Importance of Rehabilitation Technologies and Related Values for Implementation

Published 15th April 2024
Researchers from BioSpine project and The Hopkins Centre, supported by the Motor Accident Insurance Commission, collaborated on a study which explored the importance and value of technology for rehabilitation from the perspectives of the end-users.
Fifty end-users including people with disability, carers, Allied Health practitioners and Medical practitioners provided insight into the importance of technology for rehabilitation and the potential benefits and practical use of technology, the technologies themselves (e.g., innovative, established, stand-alone), and technologies impact on health professionals or the health system as a whole. This paper supports the importance of engaging with multiple stakeholders for the development of technology.
C. Shirota, J. Mitchell and K. Clanchy, "End-User Perspectives of the Importance of Rehabilitation Technologies and Related Values for Implementation," 2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Singapore, Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICORR58425.2023.10304808.