Group Singing Has Multiple Benefits in the Context of Chronic Pain: An Exploratory Pilot Study

Published 5th September 2019
J. Yoon Irons, Pim Kuipers, Aston Wan & Donald E.Stewart
Aims: This paper reports findings of a pilot singing intervention to assist people living with chronic pain.
Methods: Pain Management Clinic outpatients participated in 10 weekly group singing sessions. Benefits of the intervention and its impact on participants’ (N = 4) experiences of pain were explored qualitatively.
Results: Three main themes comprising over 20 separate codes indicated physical, psychological, and social dimensions associated with the intervention. People with chronic pain identify multiple benefits from participating in a group singing program.
Conclusions: Results indicate that group singing in chronic pain settings has multiple benefits and may positively complement clinical outcomes, serving as an effective adjunct to conventional pain management care and nursing