Pain Education for Adolescents and Young Adults Living Beyond Cancer: An Interdisciplinary Meeting Report

Published 31st May 2019
Heathcote, L., Allen, J., Gunn, K., Fox, S., Harvie, D., Olver, L., et al
ABSTRACT: Pain is an understudied and undertreated consequence of cancer survival. Pain education is now a recommended treatment approach for persistent non-cancer pain, yet it has not been well applied to the context of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survival. In March 2018, an interdisciplinary meeting was held in Adelaide, South Australia to set a research agenda for pain education in AYA cancer survivors. We identified that AYAs with persistent pain and those with heightened pain-related fear have the potential to benefit from pain education. We identified a number of unique challenges of engaging AYA survivors in pain education, and point towards future research directions.