Reliability of the Client-Centeredness of Goal Setting (C–COGS) Scale in Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Published 9th May 2016
Emmah Doig; Sarah Prescott; Jennifer Fleming; Petrea Cornwell; Pim Kuipers
OBJECTIVE: To examine the internal reliability and test–retest reliability of the Client-Centeredness of Goal Setting (C–COGS) scale.
METHOD: The C–COGS scale was administered to 42 participants with acquired brain injury after completion of multidisciplinary goal planning. Internal reliability of scale items was examined using item–partial total correlations and Cronbach’s α coefficient. The scale was readministered within a 1-mo period to a subsample of 12 participants to examine test–retest reliability by calculating exact and close percentage agreement for each item.
RESULTS: After examination of item–partial total correlations, test items were revised. The revised items demonstrated stronger internal consistency than the original items. Preliminary evaluation of test–retest reliability was fair, with an average exact percent agreement across all test items of 67%.
CONCLUSION: Findings support the preliminary reliability of the C–COGS scale as a tool to evaluate and promote client-centered goal planning in brain injury rehabilitation.