The Assessment and Prediction of Prospective Memory after Stroke

Published 12th June 2020
Christy Hogan, Petrea Cornwell, Jennifer Fleming and David H. K. Shum
Objective: Prospective memory (PM) is the memory used when intentions are to be carried out in the future. Little research has been conducted examining PM after stroke. This study aimed to determine if PM is impaired after stroke through comparison of individuals with stroke to healthy controls. Additionally, it aimed to explore the predictors of PM performance post-stroke.
Method: Twenty-eight individuals with stroke and 27 neurologically healthy controls completed the Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT), 2 self-report PM questionnaires, and multiple cognitive measures.
Results: Individuals with stroke performed significantly lower on both event- and time-based PM than controls on the CAMPROMPT, indicating PM impairment. Event-based PM after stroke was significantly predicted by age, retrospective memory (RM), and global cognitive function, whereas time-based PM was only predicted by the metacognitive skill of note-taking. Age and note-taking predicted time-based PM for controls, whereas only age predicted event-based PM for control participants.
Conclusions: The findings of this study have helped to confirm that PM impairment does exist after stroke, particularly when using a standardised PM measure. Furthermore, PM impairment may be predicted by variables, such as age, strategy use, RM, and cognitive ability.