
As a project run through The Hopkins Centre (THC), THC’s core values are also the underpinning values of The Dignity Project.

THC strives to find better solutions to complex systemic challenges through collaboration and responsive research that is embedded in practice and engages citizens with lived experience of disability. Meaningful accessibility and inclusive practices underpin all aspects of the values of THC. Our values ensure that our research and daily operations will uphold the dignity of all people, through the use of dignified language, methods and the recognition of experiential knowledge.

Our research will:

Facilitate choice
The Hopkins Centre firmly believes that citizens have the right to run their own lives. We support individual autonomy and independent action, as well as each individual’s ability to create their own pathway with the acknowledgement that interdependence and support is often an essential part of a person achieving their goals. As such, we will work to remove barriers that hinder full and effective participation and ensure equal accessibility and inclusion for all people.

Promote authentic representation
Imagery and media play a powerful role in the way people perceive themselves and others. Part of creating inclusive environments and experiences is ensuring that imagery and media are reflective of the real-life experiences of the broader community but particularly the specific community being represented. We understand that it is our responsibility to create and utilize imagery and media that reflect the real-life experiences of citizens when accessing/using medical services; this includes ensuring that images reflect diversity of impairment.

Expand opportunities
The Hopkins Centre appreciates the important role of citizen perspectives in informing the design of services and social interfaces. Our goal is to expand on and create equal opportunities by opening pathways and building capacity through research outcomes as well as for citizen researchers.

Enhance potential
The Hopkins Centre recognizes the potential in citizen research and supports citizens to see potential in themselves. By employing Universal Design concepts to evaluate our systems and processes, we can provide a number of options for individual participation. THC strives to meet people where they are at, providing flexibility and freedom within our work to allow for meaningful accessibility and inclusion.

Engage people and their support network
Support and engagement of citizens with lived experience of disability, including the engagement of support networks, families and social networks continues to be a predictor for positive health and quality of life outcomes. The Hopkins Centre works to be a mechanism for engagement and support, involving members of support networks in research and practice in order to prevent exclusion.