Disability Action Week 2024

Dear Members and Friends of The Hopkins Centre,

This week, 24 November to 1 December, 2024, we mark Disability Action Week and celebrate the contribution of people with disability to our families, local communities and society as a whole. This year’s theme Accessible Communication: Connect, Include and Empower  will resonate deeply with many of you as it does with our ongoing mission at The Hopkins Centre.

Accessible communication means everyone can access information, whatever their needs and is at the cornerstone of inclusion and empowerment, enabling individuals with disabilities to fully participate in society. This week, I encourage you to reflect on the simple ways that we can all enhance accessible communication for people with disability, for example,  remembering to ask people how they want or need to receive information and then thinking about the best communication method to meet those needs. At The Hopkins Centre, we are proud to lead initiatives that break down barriers and foster connections across communities and healthcare systems.

I also invite you to consider the meaning of accessible communication in your life and work, participate in the discussions that will unfold this week, and contribute to spreading the word about the importance of accessible communication. Your advocacy plays a vital role in driving forward our vision for a more inclusive world! It is also a great opportunity to improve your understanding about and skills in accessible communication. You can find more at Disability Action Week | People with disability | Queensland Government or by joining in the Disability Action Week Webinar.

Thank you for your dedication to our mission and for joining us in marking this significant week. Together, we continue to learn, innovate, and advocate for changes that have a profound impact on the lives of those we serve.

Warm regards,

Professor Tim Geraghty
Director, The Hopkins Centre

A tile with white background and turquoise boarder with a photo image of prof. Tim Geraghty to the left. To the right is a heading "Disability Action Week" in white text, on a red banner. Below is a quote from Prof. Geraghty. At the bottom is The Hopkins Centre logo and partner organisation logos.


Tags: Disabilty Action Week, DAW, Disability Action, Accessible Communication

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