Getting ready to make a real difference in early years education with the Nerang Alliance initiative

The Nerang Alliance is a cluster of six schools, 20 Early Childhood Education Centres (ECECs), and community partners working towards the shared vision of ensuring that every student transition into school, on track to achieve success. The work, guided by a multifaceted and data driven cycle of enquiry, has included the establishment of targeted policies and practical strategies to ensure that all children, including those who are developmentally vulnerable, are provided with optimal early years education and a smooth and successful transition to school. The Nerang Alliance is headed by Principal Landon Dare with support from all stakeholders and Early Years Coach, Lyndel Chambers.

In partnership with The Hopkins Centre and Allied Health Griffith University, the Nerang Alliance is focussed on a three-stage process of evaluation, innovation, and capacity building. The initiative has been formalised through an MOU with the Queensland Department of Education and has kicked off with two research projects focussed on transition to school and early language development. A number of Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology students are already engaged in the work within the Alliance, with physio students soon to follow.

The Nerang Alliance partnership is a flagship initiative of The Hopkins Centre led by A/Professor David Trembath . We look forward to keeping you abreast of its developments.

Tags: The Nerang Alliance, Early Childhood Education Centres, Student Transition

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