Hopkins Hour: Co-designing technology solutions for translation into real-world application.

Co-design in the rehabilitation setting enables providers and technologies to deliver fit-for-purpose solutions that increase people’s ability to participate with dignity in the home, in the community and in the workplace. At The Hopkins Centre, our researchers recognise that meaningful collaboration between all stakeholders is required to ensure that technologies are responsive and acceptable to rehabilitation challenges. This is why our researchers are always looking to achieve best-practice in the practice of co-design when developing and testing new technology solutions for rehabilitation settings.

In this Hopkins Hour, three Centre researchers discussed how they are promoting and achieving best practice in co-design with novel and practical approaches, in the presentations: 

  • The CREATE framework for co-designing rehabilitation technology presented by Dr Camila Shirota
  • Co-design of a technology solution for transition to home following Traumatic Brain Injury presented by Dr Tenelle Hodson
  • Thinking Aloud: A Practical Approach to Usability Testing presented by Dr Kelly Clanchy.

The three presentations were followed by a conversation with Paralympian Matt McShane and Professor Louise Gustafsson and a dynamic Q&A time.


Watch the recording of this Hopkins Hour here


Hopkins Hour poster: a white background with watermarked words, symbols and lines. The The title of this event is in turquoise underneath the title Hopkins Hour Research Series which sits at the top of the page in bold. There is information about the session in the middle of the poster and the Hopkins Centre logos at the bottom. The entire page is in the black and turquoise colour scheme. The link to the event is also listed: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTI4NjVjZTctMDhhOS00OTJiLThjNjAtYjIwNzRlNTkwYmQx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%225a7cc8ab-a4dc-4f9b-bf60-66714049ad62%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%22634c6c41-3200-43a6-b4dc-d60c0689f85a%22%7D


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