International Day of People with Disability, 2024

Over the next 10 days we celebrate two important events which I’m sure will be of significance for many of you. In Queensland, it’s Human Rights Week from 1st-10th December culminating in Human Rights Day on December 10th, and we mark the fifth year as a jurisdiction with legislated human rights protections. You can find more information on the Queensland Human Rights Commission website QHRC: Human Rights Week 2024

Check out their website to, become a supporter of the week, refresh your knowledge of the Act through our online training modules, use some of our resurces and posters to learn more about the rights protected under the Act, and use the step by step guide to acting and making decisions compatibly with human rights. Access all resources and information here:

December 3rd is also International Day of People with Disability ( (IDPwD). The United Nations announced the theme for IDPwD 2024 is "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future". At The Hopkins Centre, we recognise that the leadership of people with disabilities is pivotal in shaping a future where inclusivity is the norm, not the exception. Central to our efforts is our citizen-led and engaged research, where people with disabilities lead and collaborate on projects and innovations that will go on to impact their lives and communities. IDPwD 2024 aligns with our belief in co-design as an essential process for research. Our researchers and citizen leaders work hand-in-hand, utilising co-design approaches and these collaborations foster an environment where people with disabilities are the directors of innovations that everyone can benefit from.

This IDPwD, we invite each of you to engage with us at the following event and pages:

This year’s International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) theme, "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future", is a reminder of the transformative impact that individuals with disability have when given the opportunity to lead. As we celebrate this global day, we shine a spotlight on the inspiring leadership of Dr. Kelsey Chapman and The Dignity Project, a pioneering initiative that exemplifies the power of amplifying the voices of people with disability (#PwD), to create lasting change.

Dr. Chapman’s recent win of the prestigious Nature Award for Inclusive Health Research for her work with The Dignity Project underscores the importance of inclusive, citizen-led research in transforming how we approach disability and health. The Dignity Project, founded on the principle of "nothing about us without us," actively involves PwD in every step of the research process, from sharing their stories to co-designing solutions. By challenging conventional approaches and fostering a platform for diverse voices, The Dignity Project is breaking down barriers to dignity, accessibility, and inclusion, creating systemic change that will benefit generations to come.

Click here to view a short video about the Dignity Project Nature Award.

As we reflect on the theme of IDPwD, it is clear that Dr. Chapman’s work, along with the contributions of her dedicated team, truly is shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future  by amplifying the leadership of people with disability.

For the incredible momentum and impact of The Dignity Project to continue, sustained funding is crucial. With continued support, The Dignity Project can expand its impact, deepen its research, and further engage with communities to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, has the opportunity to lead, be heard, and thrive.

The Hopkins Centre and Inclusive Future: Reimagining Disability are proud to support Dr Chapman and The Dignity Project’s continued determination to amplify the leadership of people with disability, creating a world where dignity, equality, and inclusion are not just ideals, but everyday realities.

Find out more about The Dignity Project: 

 Here - Disability led innovation

 Here - about The Dignity Project and Hub

Tags: IDPwD, IDPwD 2024, International Day Of People With Disability

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