Workshops and Seminars

Developing your ROPE (Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence).
Thursday, 12 October, 2017 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Nathan campus video linked to Gold Coast campus, Griffith University
Venue will be advised upon registration Registration Deadline Monday, 9 October, 2017
ROPE is a selection criteria across all ARC schemes and is one of the most important aspects of an application. The importance of ROPE will be outlined and how to showcase your research track record in the context of the proposed project. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of this session. This session targets staff who are planning future applications to ARC schemes.
For more information please contact
Research partner showcase 2017: Using advanced technology to enhance clinical research
RBWH Education Centre, Brisbane
Tuesday, 3 October
The October MNHHS research education session aims to showcase specialist research Institutes/Facilities, highlight advanced technologies, seed new research ideas and foster connections.
View more information here and here.
Pitching and Writing Masterclass: How to write for influential 'non-experts', including industry, the media & grant assessors
Tuesday 31st October 2017, University of Melbourne
Do you know how to tailor and target your work to gain the attention of people beyond your own peers – including politicians, the media, industry, and funding assessors? Can you write about your research in a clear, concise and compelling way?
Join us for a day of tailored training with one of The Conversation's most senior editors: Sunanda Creagh, NSW Bureau Chief and Digital Storytelling Editor.
Each session is limited to 20 participants and can be tailored to suit academics at all levels, from senior leaders to early career researchers or PhD candidates. Before each session, participants must submit a short summary or “pitch” about their work to develop further during the masterclass. Selected pitches will be shared with the rest of the class for group and individual feedback. By the end of the day, participants will know what to do before contacting the media or industry about their work, and how to make more people value the significance of their research.
Registrations for this session close on Friday 6th October.
Fees and Registration
- AU$995 per person inc. GST for participants from a partner or member organisation of The Conversation.
- AU$1495 per person inc. GST for participants from a university or organisation that is not a member of The Conversation.
For more information please click here
Personhood, decision making and choice: Frameworks for upholding rights with people with disabilities
31st October 2017, 9am-4pm, Deakin University, Deakin University - Disability, Inclusion and Advocacy Unit
What does it mean to be a PERSON with a disability in Australia? How can human rights be used to inform approaches to support? What does supported decision making mean and how can it be applied in supporting choice and control? How does the idea of 'belonging' change the way we see community inclusion?
In this Masterclass, participants will explore these questions and engage with ideas on personhood, human rights and supported decision making. Frameworks for practice informed by these ideas will be presented and applied to two key life areas, health and sexuality.
Who should attend? The landscape of the disability sector in Australia is changing. The idea of who ‘works in disability’ is also shifting. Professionals from a broad range of disciplines are now working in areas where a contemporary understanding of disability is needed to inform their work. This masterclass is designed for people new to disability policy and practice, and for those who want to update their knowledge and skills to align with the current rights informed environment.
Who is running the Masterclass? The masterclass will be co-facilitated by Deakin University researchers, Professor Susan Balandin, Chair of Disability and inclusion, Dr Patsie Frawley, Dr Joanne Watson, Hon Professor Kelley Johnson as well as Professor Gerard Quinn from the National University of Ireland. Presenters with lived experience of disability will co-facilitate the class.
Early Bird Closing Friday 29th September 2017 Register Now!
Early bird rate - $380 plus GST (Standard registration $420 plus GST)
(Workshop includes all resources, lunch and morning and afternoon tea)
MFSAS Methods for Social Analysis and Statistics
Schedule for August - December 2017
MFSAS consists of a series of training modules grouped into four streams: one introductory, one applied, one advanced and one software stream. The modules range from half a day in length to two-days, depending on the content and how advanced the module is.
MFSAS has been designed so that any individual or workplace wishing to improve their knowledge and skills in social research can do so by choosing the module or modules that fit their needs. The modules provide contextually relevant research methods and statistics training, using a problem-focused approach.
Check out their program here
TQ2U: Bendigo
September 22 & 23, 2017
Early bird registration now open!TQ2U: Bendigo is an international touring version of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology’s (IIQM) globally acclaimed Thinking Qualitatively (TQ) workshop series. Over two days, 10 different TQ2U workshops will be facilitated by internationally-known experts in qualitative research and academic skills developmentWorkshop topics include: Coding & Categorization, Digital Strategies, Effectiveness in Academia, Impact, Publishing Qualitative Research, Researcher Integrity, Systematic Reviews, and more!For more information please click here
MasterClass 1: Grounded Theory with Professor Kathy Charmaz
Monday 25 September - Wednesday 27 September
Workshops will be held at QUT Gardens Point commencing at 9.30 for a 10am start with lunch provided. All details will be provided in your e-Ticket.
Click here to register
Registrations close on 1st September.
If you have any questions about registration please contact
MasterClass 2: Writing Qualitative Research with Professor Kathy Charmaz
Friday 29 September - Saturday 30 September
Workshops will be held at QUT Gardens Point commencing at 9.30 for a 10am start with lunch provided. All details will be provided in your e-Ticket.
Click here to register
Registrations close on 1st September.
If you have any questions about registration please contact
Introduction to Clinical Research Course
12-13th September, 2017, Brisbane
Modules covered:
· Drug development process & overview of Australian clinical trial regulations
· GCP & GCP responsibilities
· Ethics in clinical trials
· Informed consent
· Quality in clinical trials
· Clinical trial management
· Data collection & trial management
· Safety assessments in clinical trials
The cost of the 2 day course is $990, the venue will be in the CBD
Please see here for further information
QFAB announces workshops for August–September
QFAB Bioinformatics will host workshops on Galaxy, Python, R and surveys during this year's third quarter. The workshops are as follows:
- Introduction to R (6 September)
- RNA-Seq analysis using Galaxy (13–14 September)
- Introduction to Python for researchers (27–28 September)
Responsible Conduct of Research and Planning for Success presented by Dr Gary Allen
Tuesday 26 September
10.30-11.30 am
Griffith University N78_2.30 (Nathan campus) or via video conference M10_5.04, L08_1.07, G34_1.04 and G16_4.09
Research integrity missteps can have impacts that can damage the reputation of researchers to a degree that can last for decades. Knowing where not to publish is an essential skill for early career researchers, arguably especially since the disappearance of the Beall's List. The challenges confronting collaborating researchers may become even thornier if the mooted changes to the Australian Code for the responsible Conduct of Research are implemented in 2018. This one hour workshop will discuss the current pitfalls and traps, as well as likely impacts when the Australian Code is updated. The workshop will also suggest good strategies to avoid painful problems.
Dr Gary Allen has been working in the human research ethics and research integrity spheres since 1997 and has worked with institutions in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and Vietnam. Gary is a member of the national committee that is reviewing and updating the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and he chaired the committee that drafted the new 'components of ethical design' chapter of the National Statement. He is a former member of the National Health and Medical Research Council's Health Ethics Committee. Gary is an associate member of the Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) and is a frequent presenter on research integrity matters, Outside of Griffith University Dr Allen works as a consultant and edits the Research Ethics Monthly.
For further information please contact:
Trauma Nursing
2-Day seminar for nurses face with patients who suffer physical trauma
30 November - 1st December 2017
Hotel Ibis Brisbane
Cost: $506
Many nurses will be faced with patients who suffer a physical trauma. Make sure you are confident and up-to-date with best practice in such situations:
Attend this seminar to
Improve your primary and secondary assessment skills
Review different types of shock and management principles
Provide safe care for a patient with spinal trauma
Gain evidence-based knowledge to manage of head trauma
Find out about trauma and pregnant women, older adults and children
Know what to do in a ‘burns’ situation
For more information please click here
Fetal alchohol Spectrum Disorder Symposium
Prevalence, features and assessment
Rydges South Bank, Brisbane
13 October, 2017, 12pm - 5.30pm
The diagnosis of FASD is crucial to improving outcomes fro those affected and to inform pre-pregnancy counselling. Across various jurisdictions in the world, there is considerable impetus towards identifying individuals with FASD.
Registration for the symposium is available via this link