Marleen Westerveld

Dr Westerveld is a speech pathologist. Her research focuses on understanding the relationship between spoken and written language development and disorders from preschool to adolescence. Special interests include spontaneous language sampling and analysis, oral narrative development and intervention, emergent literacy development and disorders, and reading development and disorders. Current research projects include three Autism CRC - funded projects into the emergent and early literacy development of young children on the autism spectrum.Dr Westerveld has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles, was a co-author of two recently released Speech Pathology Australia clinical guidelines in literacy and autism, and is currently the deputy chair of the Child Language Committee of the International Association of Logepedics and Phoniatrics. Since joining Griffith University in 2011, Dr Westerveld has been awarded $1.4 million in grants, CRC project funds, and consultancies.
For more information relating to Marleen and her current work, see the following links below:
Current Projects
Clinical Guides: Supporting children on the Autism Spectrum with minimal verbal language
Published 20th November 2019
Profiles of Vocalisation Change in Children with Autism receiving Early Intervention
Published 17th July 2018