Val Pick

Val Pick is the Nurse Unit Manager at Jasmine Unit, Jasmine Unit provides extended rehabilitation for patients who have experienced a severe brain injury.
Val has worked for the Division of Rehabilitation (DoR) at the Princess Alexandra Hospital since her arrival in Australia in 2007. Val has worked in a variety of roles, including site co-ordinator for three clinical trials within the DoR, she is currently the Chief Investigator for a research project: Evaluation of the implementation of a novel interdisciplinary, role-based approach to goal setting in a slow to recover brain injury rehabilitation setting. This is the evaluation of the Model of Care that has been implemented in Jasmine Unit. The research project has been supported with a Seed Grant through the Hopkins Centre.
Her experience is mostly in Clinical Trials having been involved in COSAQ (Chronic Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Quadriplegia) SCIPA (Hands on) and SCIPA (Switch on) using electrical stimulation in patients with spinal injuries.
Val's research interests surround rehabilitation; improving outcomes for individuals who have experienced either a spinal injury and/or a severe brain injury.
She received a Seeding Grant for Translation Research 2017, through the Hopkins Centre.
Featured Publications
Role-based goal setting in catastrophically brain injured individuals: A new paradigm
Published 1st August 2020