Role-based goal setting in catastrophically brain injured individuals: A new paradigm

Published 1st August 2020
Dungey, Kelly, Douglas, David, Pick, Valerie & New, Alison
ABSTRACT: Rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injury (ABI) of extreme severity require a tailored approach to goal setting, with a consequential paradigm shift in the planning and delivering of the rehabilitation program. This change in approach is needed because the injury is likely to profoundly limit the post-injury life options of the person, with onward implications for family and others. Therefore, it can be said the injury has a catastrophic impact on the injured and supporting family members. This paper proposes that the current delivery of rehabilitation in Australia poorly addresses this issue because programs are typically too short and do not focus on social reintegration. The paper presents a new paradigm for delivering rehabilitation to those individuals with a catastrophic acquired brain injury (cABI) where potential post-injury life roles inform the therapy program. Role-based goal setting aims to provide patients with a program that will focus on participation enhancement while still achieving functional goals.