Jessica O'Loghlen

Research Assistant
The Hopkins Centre
Jessica has a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and more than ten years’ experience in special education, complex disability support and disability advocacy. She is currently completing a PhD in Clinical Psychology at Griffith University conducting research examining restricted and repetitive behaviours and interests in autism and their intersection with obsessive-compulsive behaviours in OCD, to inform more distinct parameters for the differential diagnosis of these conditions.
Since joining the Hopkins Centre in 2021, Jessica has worked closely with the Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland on several projects including the Transition to Sub-Acute (T2SA) project, a collaborative project seeking to provide more seamless transition care for patients receiving sub-acute and rehabilitation care [text removed] in regional and remote locations. The corresponding outputs of these projects are now being disseminated throughout various clinical networks in Queensland. Jessica is also working closely on a number of projects as a member of the ‘Trajectories of Rehabilitation across Complex Environments (TRaCE) 2.0 and 3.0’ research teams. These programs of research are focussed primarily on improving system transitions and access for complex rehabilitation populations following acquired brain or spinal cord injury.
Click here to view Jessica's Google Scholar profile.