The Aus-InSCI Translation Project

About the Project

The Aus-InSCI Translation Project: Translating the Aus-InSCI community survey findings to improve clinical practice and outcomes for Queenslanders and Australians with Spinal Cord Injury

Project aim and benefits

Funded by NIISQ Agency, the aim of the Aus-InSCI Translation Project is to undertake a specific program of planned translational activities based on the results of the 2018-19 and 2024 Aus-InSCI Community Survey. The project will use the survey findings to promote and facilitate positive changes to clinical practice, define areas requiring enhanced community support for people with SCI and investigate and inform changes in relevant policies and systems, to enhance the lived experience and outcomes of people with SCI in Queensland and Australia including NIISQ participants.

The Project represents a unique research and translation opportunity due to:

  • the large, total number of survey participants with 481 and 1579 people with SCI respectively in Queensland and Australia participating in the 2018-19 community survey and similar numbers expected in 2024;
  • the ability to undertake longitudinal research due to the inclusion of the second community survey sample. Participants who competed the 2018-19 survey will be asked to also complete it in 2024;
  • the ability to examine survey results (for the 2024 survey) specifically for NIISQ participants; and
  • the ability to use the survey findings to design targeted research translation and dissemination activities, including positive clinical practice change, to improve outcomes for NIISQ participants and all people with SCI across Queensland and Australia. 

The ultimate goal of the Aus-InSCI Community Survey research is to inform improvements in health, functioning, social and economic outcomes as well as improving knowledge and capability in consumers and healthcare professionals. The Aus-InSCI Translation Project will play a vital role in achieving this goal by promoting and facilitating positive changes to clinical practice, defining areas requiring enhanced community support for people with SCI and investigating and informing changes in relevant policies and systems, to enhance the lived experience and outcomes of people with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Queensland and Australia.

Project significance

The International Spinal Cord Injury (InSCI) Community Survey is the first ever worldwide survey for people with spinal cord injury (SCI) living in the community. Australia is one country among many others taking part in this project to capture the lived experience of people with spinal cord injury by asking those who know best: people with lived experience of SCI. The project is a survey for people with spinal cord injury living in the community who have been discharged from a rehabilitation facility for at least 12 months.

Progress to date 


Expected outcome

The findings of this project will be translated to help positive changes to clinical practice, changes in relevant policies and systems, and to help identify areas requiring enhanced community support for people with a spinal cord injury.
It is hoped the findings of this project will lead to improved outcomes of the treatment, care and support for participants with a spinal cord injury in hospital and community settings.


NIISQ logo     The NIISQ Agency provided funding to The Hopkins Centre to support the Aus-InSCI Translation Project to conduct research/ activities that aim to improve the health and quality of life outcomes for NIISQ participants.


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