My Beautiful Pain: Not a Love Story by Glen Fozzard
Posted on Thursday 29th July 2021
Glen Fozzard, who served in the Australian Naval Forces as an esteemed Clearance Diver and Instructor, first experienced chronic pain in 2015 for no definitive reason. “Returning from my Senior Health and Safety FIFO role after 3 weeks in a remote mining site, I was introduced to neuropathic nerve pain, and it wasn’t a polite introduction! I was walking off the plane when I was suddenly aware (like stepping on a nail aware) of the most intense pain (like an electrified injection) in my left foot (a previous operation site). I had to stop and take my boot off as quick as I could, thinking how can an ant be in my boot since the morning and decide to bite me repeatedly after about 14 hours of travel, Remote Karratha, WA to Brisbane… Bus, two planes? AHHHH!”
Read MoreAn overview of Virtual Reality (VR) for clinical rehabilitation settings
Posted on Tuesday 27th July 2021
The way we see ourselves (our bodies) shapes our feelings and perception, directs the way we interact with the world. For example, after an ongoing pain problem, people often feel that their body is weak and fragile, which can increase pain and decrease activity levels.
Read MoreInclusive Education in Australia
Posted on Wednesday 14th July 2021
The Hopkins Centre Dignity Project explores the perspectives of those working at the coalface of inclusive education, as well as delving into the confronting disability statistics in Australia.
Read MoreInclusive Education - Part C
Posted on Thursday 8th July 2021
Education is a theme that is present in our Dignity Project research. Our data reflects that access to comparable education is a fundamental piece of dignity for people with disability.
Read MorePartnership to understand Indigenous experiences of CTP
Posted on Wednesday 7th July 2021
Partnership to understand Indigenous experiences of CTP
Read MoreRead the lasted Dignity Project Blogs - June 2021
Posted on Wednesday 30th June 2021
The Dignity Project shares the importance of job access and inclusion. Read the latest project article and guest blogs, sharing individual experiences of job access and inclusive education.
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